They tried to remake Foxy, ya know? Uh, they thought the first one was too scary, so they redesigned him to be more kid-friendly and put him in Kid's Cove. To keep the toddlers entertained, you know... But kids these days just can't keep their hands to themselves. The staff literally has to put Foxy back together after every shift. So eventually they stopped trying and left him as some 'take apart and put back together' attraction. Now he's just a mess of parts. I think the employees refer to him as just "The Mangle".
Toy Foxy, also known as The Mangle, is a mess of animatronics parts we find in Kid's Cove during Fnaf2.
It has 3 yellow eyes (one can be seen on the ground), two heads, a bowtie, two hands, three feet and way too many limbs.

Way too many! If you'd try to reassemble Toy Foxy, at the very least, the animatronic head, a foot and some arms would be left out. The Mangle cannot be made out of Toy Foxy alone, something must have joined The Mangle.

In some of the screens in Fnaf2 where The Mangle appears, we can also see a weird unspecified white ball, too big to be an eye. Fnaf Help Wanted comes to our help since it gives us the confirmation that that ball is in fact The Mangle's tail. Why should we be bothered by it? It's not a fox tail, like the one Funtime Foxy has... Help Wanted actually showed us that same white tail on another animatronic: Toy Bonnie. And this is not a new revelation which came from Help Wanted but, if you look carefully, that same tail can be seen in Fnaf2, while Toy Bonnie is in the right vent.

That's a good point. Well, do we know of another animatronic which has the same shape as Toy Bonnie, but isn't Toy Bonnie?...
There actually is and it's in the very Fnaf2. We can only see its shadow.
Shadow Bonnie.
The tail fits, but also the feet could fit, same for the hands, even the bowtie could fit. So we can go one step further with this theory. Some of those parts could belong to another Bonnie animatronic and not to Toy Foxy: look for the foot which has pink nails and one of the right hands. You heard it right: both hands belonging to The Mangle are right hands. This would imply that this other "Toy Bonnie" animatronic is white: a female white rabbit, Toy Bonnet, if you want.
The Mangle is made out of Toy Foxy and of the parts of another (white?) Toy Bonnie animatronic,
Shadow Bonnie.
Shadow Bonnie.
Impact: low (high on The Mangle's gender unending discussion)
Other possible explanations: The tail added to The Mangle could just have come from some random Toy Bonnie animatronic.
Implications: unknow. Assuming this theory is correct, I can't see how this could be relevant to the overall story in any way. It might have some implications to the Fnaf3 minigames, but I can't think what they could possibly be right now.
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